Founder's Bio Cont'd.
She excelled as the Executive Director of Nulife Bridges Youth Advocacy Center through March 2006.  In the same year, she served as the Honorary Chairperson of the Business Advisory Council and she received the National Leadership Award.

If you talk to Wendy Clardy, she will openly admit that while her personal experiences have left a permanent scar, she is not defeated. She gains strength from the trials she has overcome, and when she meets a hurting person, she listens to their needs and she takes action. When Wendy meets a person in need, she does what she can to provide the resources and education necessary to restore their confidence.  

Ms. Clardy is currently the editor of Ohio Homeowners News, and she’s a leader at the America Homeowners Resource Center (AHRC). She is also a member of Homeowners for Barack Obama. She is in the process of completing her coursework at Columbus State Community College (CSCC) where she is the Vice President of the Student Advisory Board. Her concentrations are in the areas of Journalism and Mass Media. Upon graduation from CSCC, Ms. Clardy intends to continue her studies at a four year institution.  She is an ordained pastor, a mother of five, and a friend to her community.





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