The Peace Project

The Peace Project is a component of FAVOF that has been developed to create public awareness about foreclosure fraud. The Peace Project addresses the needs of those whose cases may have been improperly handled by the legal or justice system prior to Senate Bill 185, which was passed by the Ohio legislation in January 2007.

Through this project, FAVOF seeks to assemble peaceful demonstrations against mortgage and foreclosure fraud. We attempt to identify dishonest practices that may have been carried out against homeowners and their families, and we seek damages for all victims involved by linking families in need with the appropriate legal organizations. 

The Peace Project achieves its goals through creating alliances and providing resources, seminars, workshops, statewide conference, and educational documents. We seek to organize support systems for families, individuals, and communities that will serve as an additional system of checks and balances for our broken judicial system. 



Families & Victims of Fraud | Phone: (614) 372-6151
website designed by DPI Graphic Design